What’s UP at the Archives – July 4, 2024

UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL – Incredible Storytelling!

Last Saturday’s Up Close and Personal event at the Fraser River Interpretive Center on the waterfront was an unbelievable success! With our special guests Deborah Handley and Ann Mohs lending their blinding personalities and memorable stories to an enraptured audience.  Archivist, Val Billesberger, received many rave reviews from those in attendance, including feedback that – “This has to be an annual event!”

We at the Archives would like to thank everyone who joined us for an afternoon of laughter, commiseration, storytelling and a joyful performance by Sing Out, a choir directed by Deborah Handley — as well as the delicious Tea Sandwiches and sparkling juice provided by Amazi Coffee and Superstore respectively). We’d also like to thank our sponsors for the event: Mission City Keto Ltd., Swing Optical, What’s on! Mission Magazine, and private donors.

This event was also the first announcement of 2024 Path and Pathfinder’s Program honourees: Bonnie Harber, a truehearted caregiver who’s touched the lives of countless people and a cornerstone member of the Steelhead Community; Camille Atebe, an award winning actor and talented, multi-faceted writer, who is a champion of performing arts and stagecraft; and Carol Hamilton, a visionary long-time community leader who has worked tirelessly to benefit the community while facing life head on. This year’s event will be held on Saturday October 19th at All Saints Anglican Church Hall.

View our photo gallery of the event featuring photographs by Ellen Nguyen, who was the official photographer. If you wish to order any images please contact Ellen Nguyen Photography

What’s UP at the Archives – May 27, 2024

Special Upcoming Event

MEET MISSION’S EXTRAORDINARY WOMEN! Join us for an inspirational afternoon of unique storytelling featuring Mission’s Deborah Handley, a talented, innovative musician whose boundless dedication, infectious laugh and incredible spirit has impacted all those who cross her path; and Ann Mohs, a tireless advocate of indigenous culture, successful publisher, and international award-winning competitive paddler. Limited tickets available!

For further information, please call 604-837-7569 or send an email to the Archivist Val Billesberger.

What’s UP at the Archives – May 6th, 2024


The Mission Community Archives is very pleased to announce that a new video DONATE YOUR RECORDS! is now live on the website. 

Produced by UBC graduate students Gabriella Cigarro, Katherine Hodgson, Jordon Kerr, and Elizabeth Robertson in consultation with the Archivist Val Billesberger, the short video (2:23 minutes) demystifies for individuals, businesses, and organizations what and how to donate materials to the Mission Community Archives.

The new video also addresses the importance of donating to the Archives. Archivist Val Billesberger explains, “Collectively, the materials donated document the community’s storied past. They are extensions of our community’s human memory, originally created to record information, to document transactions, to communicate thoughts, and to provide evidence of people, organizations, institutions, businesses, events, infrastructure, the physical landscape and developments. In essence, archival records provide the basis for understanding where we have been, they orient us to the present, and they offer guidance for shaping the future.”

Be sure to view our new video HERE!

What’s UP at the Archives – March 8, 2024


Paths & Pathfinders: Women of Mission Program

The Mission Community Archives is once again accepting nominations for the Paths & Pathfinders: Women of Mission Program. Since the inauguration of the program in 1996, the Community Archives has recognized and built its holdings on more than 100 women who have helped shape the community.

We need your help in identifying who will be honoured in 2024. Within your organization, family or workplace there are undoubtedly women who are worthy of recognition.  We encourage you to use a nomination form to let us know who they are.

Nominations for this year’s Annual Celebration of Women are being accepted until the end of April. To be eligible the nominee must have lived or presently reside in the District of Mission, Hatzic Prairie, Hatzic Island, Dewdney, Deroche, Nicomen Island, Lake Errock and/or McConnell Creek.

The nominator must submit, on two pages or less, biographical information about the nominee, including her length of residence in the community, field of endeavor and personal attributes along with 2 letters of support for the nominee from family, friends, organizations etc. Click Here to download the 2024 Nomination form. The deadline is Tuesday, April 30th.

For further information, please call 604 837-7569 or send an email to the Archivist Val Billesberger.

Nomination Submission Countdown

What’s UP at the Archives – February 16, 2024

Street Names Tell Mission’s Story

Have you ever wondered where your street got its name?  The City of Mission is one of the few communities in British Columbia that honours and promotes the community’s heritage and identity through its street naming. As such, our street names reflect our local history.

On Monday, February 19th, the Mission Community Archives is launching a NEW virtual exhibition titled Mission Street Stories.

The exhibit will feature short narratives behind 21 street names that include: historical figures who are considered to have had an impact on our community; residents who have served or lost their lives for our freedom; and Mission’s historic neighbourhoods. 

GO HERE to the discover stories behind Mission’s street names by clicking on the images within each of the five maps: Hatzic, Silverdale-Silverhill, Stave Falls, Upper Mission Urban Area, and Lower Mission Urban Area.  A special thanks to Richard Skelton from the City of Mission’s Engineer Department who provided and customized the maps used in this exhibit.

What’s UP at the Archives – January 15th, 2024

Upcoming Events at the Archives

Following a two week closure for the holiday season, the Mission Community Archives resumed its operations and reopened to the public on Thursday, January 11th. In addition to offering research services on Thursdays and Fridays, the volunteer-based Community Archives will be featuring some special programs in the first quarter of the year….Here is a preview of some of the events planned. Please email the Archivist for more information

YOUR STORIES, OUR HERITAGE Exhibit Monday, January 30th, 2024 Mission Leisure Centre

STREET STORIES — Online Exhibit www.missionarchives.com Launch Date Monday, February 19th. 2024

UP CLOSE & PERSONAL: Women of Mission
Friday, March 8th, 2024
Steelhead Community Hall

What’s UP at the Archives – November 1, 2023

The Mission Community Archives and Mission Museum will have a Remembrance Day exhibit at the Mission Leisure Centre from November 1st to 30th. 

This year’s Remembrance Day service will start @ 10:50 AM Royal Canadian Legion Branch 57 located at 32627 Logan Avenue, for more information call 604-826-2331 or email rcl57@shaw.ca

What’s UP at the Archives – October 18, 2023

In this feature documentary (1hr 24 m), co-directors Hayley Gray and Elad Tzadok explore through a collage of personal interviews, archival footage, and deeply rooted memories some of the efforts and challenges faced by Archives in British Columbia to preserve a more inclusive historical record. Featured are leaders from four underrepresented communities in Archives: Indigenous Peoples, South Asians, LGBTQ+ and Chinese-Canadians.

The film will be introduced by Archivist Val Billesberger who has endeavored to build an inclusive Archives in Mission, taking care to acquire and make accessible the records of historically excluded and minoritized groups.

Unarchived is produced and distributed by the National Film Board of Canada (NFB).

To find out more about the film click here

An award winning eye opening film about the erasure of minority history and the communities who are challenging it. A ticket is required to see the film. Get yours today on Eventbrite!

What’s UP at the Archives – September 11, 2023

CULTURE DAYS 2023…JOIN the Community Archives and local artists on September 23rd from 1PM to 4PM to celebrate art and memory! WATCH local artist Sandra Marshall create an artwork from an historic photograph of Mission Dairy Queen. HEAR Charis Young, an emerging multi-genre writer and student in the UBC Creative Writing Program read and discuss her archival poetry. CREATE your own Mission Memory Collage using historic photographs from the Archives. All ages welcome. Please register for our free event here.