What’s UP at the Archives – May 6th, 2024
The Mission Community Archives is very pleased to announce that a new video DONATE YOUR RECORDS! is now live on the website.
Produced by UBC graduate students Gabriella Cigarro, Katherine Hodgson, Jordon Kerr, and Elizabeth Robertson in consultation with the Archivist Val Billesberger, the short video (2:23 minutes) demystifies for individuals, businesses, and organizations what and how to donate materials to the Mission Community Archives.
The new video also addresses the importance of donating to the Archives. Archivist Val Billesberger explains, “Collectively, the materials donated document the community’s storied past. They are extensions of our community’s human memory, originally created to record information, to document transactions, to communicate thoughts, and to provide evidence of people, organizations, institutions, businesses, events, infrastructure, the physical landscape and developments. In essence, archival records provide the basis for understanding where we have been, they orient us to the present, and they offer guidance for shaping the future.”
Be sure to view our new video HERE!
What’s UP at the Archives – March 8, 2024

Paths & Pathfinders: Women of Mission Program
The Mission Community Archives is once again accepting nominations for the Paths & Pathfinders: Women of Mission Program. Since the inauguration of the program in 1996, the Community Archives has recognized and built its holdings on more than 100 women who have helped shape the community.
We need your help in identifying who will be honoured in 2024. Within your organization, family or workplace there are undoubtedly women who are worthy of recognition. We encourage you to use a nomination form to let us know who they are.
Nominations for this year’s Annual Celebration of Women are being accepted until the end of April. To be eligible the nominee must have lived or presently reside in the District of Mission, Hatzic Prairie, Hatzic Island, Dewdney, Deroche, Nicomen Island, Lake Errock and/or McConnell Creek.
The nominator must submit, on two pages or less, biographical information about the nominee, including her length of residence in the community, field of endeavor and personal attributes along with 2 letters of support for the nominee from family, friends, organizations etc. Click Here to download the 2024 Nomination form. The deadline is Tuesday, April 30th.
For further information, please call 604 837-7569 or send an email to the Archivist Val Billesberger.
What’s UP at the Archives – February 16, 2024

Street Names Tell Mission’s Story
Have you ever wondered where your street got its name? The City of Mission is one of the few communities in British Columbia that honours and promotes the community’s heritage and identity through its street naming. As such, our street names reflect our local history.
On Monday, February 19th, the Mission Community Archives is launching a NEW virtual exhibition titled Mission Street Stories.
The exhibit will feature short narratives behind 21 street names that include: historical figures who are considered to have had an impact on our community; residents who have served or lost their lives for our freedom; and Mission’s historic neighbourhoods.
GO HERE to the discover stories behind Mission’s street names by clicking on the images within each of the five maps: Hatzic, Silverdale-Silverhill, Stave Falls, Upper Mission Urban Area, and Lower Mission Urban Area. A special thanks to Richard Skelton from the City of Mission’s Engineer Department who provided and customized the maps used in this exhibit.